How To Email Like A Boss

I love language. Finding a word that means exactly what I want to say. The sound of certain words as they leave my lips. The quirky colloquialisms that bring conversation to life. Even the odd swear word.

Used well, your choice of language can increase the impact of your message. Used poorly, it can have the opposite effect. (And obviously, when it comes to your personal brand, it’s the former you’re aiming for.)

Here’s how to do it…

That’s why I was tickled pink (lovely phrase that) to see an illustration by Dani Donovan who, in her own words, is doing her best to help reduce the stigma of ADHD though her web-based comics.

When I first saw it, I hadn’t realised she was replicating the way a person with ADHD might think when writing an email. I simply thought, “That’s a really useful way to show how switching the language you use can vastly alter the impact.” Which is why I’m sharing it here in the hope you’ll find it useful too – regardless of whether you have ADHD or not.

What scenarios do you struggle with when it comes to choosing your words? And what have you come up with to cope with that? Any tips you want to share are always appreciated – there’s a comment box below ready and waiting. Thank you.

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6 responses to “How To Email Like A Boss”

  1. Lucy Findlay says:

    Love this Jennifer – I always have a bug about emails that start with ‘just checking’.

    • Jennifer Holloway says:

      It’s a hard one that, because usually one is ‘just checking’ but it can come across as a bit passive aggressive, can’t it?

  2. Alison Conaghan says:

    Love how these frame things more positively. I have stopped writing “do not hesitate to contact me” since hearing you talk about it.

    • Jennifer Holloway says:

      They’re great alternatives, aren’t they Alison. And I’m pleased you’ve already amended your language from the somewhat starchy phrase ‘do not hesitate to contact me’. Keep up the good work!

  3. Linda Grant says:

    When working with clients on improving their communication I often talk about the impact of the language they choose to use – this is very useful. Thanks for sharing.

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